Transport company Jan Mattheeuws
The transport microbe was probably passed on to me through the genes of my grandfather Leon and my father Eugène Mattheeuws. Since childhood I have been surrounded by lorries, the smell of heating oil, charcoal… As a young teenager I was already delivering charcoal to people's houses; in 50 kg bags and not outside the borders of the town of Hansbeke.
I did my military service in Germany in my twenties and obtained my driving licence for lorry and trailer in the army. This licence was the start of the rest of my career.
Sale of transport company Mattheeuws - Vander Vennet (1989)
It was self-evident I would stay in the transport sector. My big passion was my tip-up truck trailer, which would become my trademark. The first goods I transported was charcoal.
Increase in demand, expansion of the fleet
But… I want to stay small, because the road is still my passion and I want to help my loyal customers personally, together with my team of drivers and fixed subcontractors. I can honestly say I enjoy my job. I get satisfaction from a planning I can optimise and I really enjoy being on the road, en route to both customers and home.
And in the weekend I try to service my fleet of vehicles. Anticipating technical defects avoids more misery later and guarantees continuity.
The drivers of Transport Jan Mattheeuws all have Belgian employment contracts and tonnes of experience. They are also multilingual – including Dutch – which leaves no room for communication problems on the road which could spell disaster for your transport. Or, how to link a decent job to efficiency and return.